Love is Patient and Kind

Dr. Marcia Davis-Dawkins

By Dr. Marcia Davis-Dawkins

Many of us have heard the words from the Bible, “Love is patient and kind,” 1 Corinthians 13. I have often wondered if we understand what it really means to be “patient and kind” by showing and expressing love. What does it mean? It seems as if, in a world that is so filled with hate and despair, not to mention impatience, that it may be difficult to say that we truly know the meaning of love. It doesn’t seem as if we need to look too far to see all the hatred and disdain that so many people harbor. The cycle keeps going on and on. The news headlines Grassroots Edu LOVE seem to be filled with lack of love. Where has love and patience gone? In the classrooms and schools in general, the students seem to be filled with sadness through bullying, teasing, and name calling among other unkindness. It sometimes seems unreal, and even frightening, to watch students start out playing and end up fighting and saying unkind words about each other simply because they are so impatient and mean. Where, oh where, did the love go?

On television, it seems as if the highlight is that teachers and students are fighting and the blatant disrespect is evident. Unkind words are exchanged in the heat of the moment and hurt people continue to hurt people. Everyone is quick to play the blame game instead of putting the shoe on his/her foot. Frustration gets in the way and the love is replaced with heated words and sadness that often lead to loss of lives and friendships. True love shows and tells us how to treat our fellow The Grassroots Educationclassmates, co-workers, peers, spouses and human kind in general. In 2 Corinthians, it explains that true love is not angered easily, is quick to forgive and is always willing to celebrate life with friends, loved ones and just about everyone with whom we interact. Yes, this sounds easier said than done, however, it sets the standards by which we should live. I suppose most people might argue (with kind words) that since prayer and the Bible were taken out of the schools that love left as well. I dare say that 1 Corinthians 13 is the premise on which humankind and love were built. It sets the standards for how we should live by loving each other regardless of color of skin, class, economic status or educational accomplishments. It really makes me feel disheartened when I think of weddings, and then soon after divorces or Valentine’s Day when people simply use the word ” love” so loosely and then days after use the unkind words to tear down their partners. Oh, where is the love?

So, it seems as if the lack of love and unkindness are taking center stage these days. It’s almost as if those who show love or kindness are scoffed at, but I believe we cannot give up hope or throw up our arms in frustration; let the peace begin with us. Let kindness and love reign, even in the classroom. It doesn’t hurt to show love to every student with whom we come in contact. It might be the missing link in his or her life. Who knows? This love might be reciprocated and the classroom becomes a garden of love and kindness! It is true that kindness is one of the best ways to show love. Kindness and love can never be wasted; so don’t be stingy with them.



Love for Everyone