The Masterpiece

Dr. Marcia Davis-DawkinsBy Dr. Marcia

Death seems to be raising its ugly head every day and just yes, too close for comfort.  I’ve been putting off writing about this because it has stomped me, and I have not been ready to face the raw memory. This time it’s another friend whom we usually referred to each other as “namesake” since we have the same first name. My consolation has been that we use to talk regularly. In fact, she knew that I use to work on my lesson plans early on Saturday mornings so she would use that opportunity to call me, and we would talk for a long time then. Since her death about six months ago, I have not done my lessons plans on Saturday, but on Sunday afternoons. I just can’t seem to get it together or come to terms with this horrible fact.

Since we spoke regularly, I remember her calling me one morning as usual and she was explaining how she had been sick and did several surgeries and that things fell into place by “divine intervention” and “faith-based activities”. She even said that after the last long seven and a half surgery, her doctor had told her friend that he had “just completed my Masterpiece!” To which I had interjected, “I hope you realize that this was a clue that you have a book to write, and the title is, I Am the Masterpiece!” I was excited to say this and felt like she needed to hear, God those comforting words instead of thinking about her pain. We had even discussed that she should make notes of her journey in a journal. She also said that she had many journals but wanted to get strength to put things together as she was swamped with work and doctors’ appointments and the cycle goes on and on.  Just listening to her it did seem exhausting but there was not a moment when I didn’t encourage her positively. The Grassroots Edu

I would also think of the word, “masterpiece” as the doctor had referred to her. Seems as if I could not shake the word. So, I decided to research the word. Masterpiece definition as per the dictionary,

  1. a work of outstanding artistry, skill, or workmanship.

(historical) a piece of work by a craftsman accepted as qualification for membership of a guild as an acknowledged master. There were other words for masterpiece including, treasure, flower, gem, monument, perfection. I could see how she was the epitome of a masterpiece. Her picture can be placed in the dictionary to further help with the definition.

A month or so before she died, I felt obligated to pay her a visit and even though we didn’t exchange many words, my mind was racing as I massaged her back and sang for her. She was in and out of sleep, but it didn’t matter, I wanted to be there with her, and I know she appreciated that I was there. For some reason the lessons that I was learning, and they were overwhelming. As I reflected, I couldn’t help but think that I should be the best version of myself and try to live up to my requirement of being a peacemaker, fun loving, lover of people and philanthropist. Others were telling me that I should always trust the process because there is nothing, I could have done to change anything.

She might not have been able to write her book, but she had begun journaling activities of her journey. My hope is that we can all learn a few lessons from her life – just as I learned. She was not an educator, but the lessons were simple yet compelling.

Additional lessons learned

  • live at peace with everyone
  • live as Christ would want
  • be prepared for life and death
  • be willing to show love (regardless of the person)
  • be a vessel of kindness

She always gave some interesting advice as we spoke and she would always remind me and many people she met to, “stay with God” and not worry about what other people would say (negatively) because sometimes there could be too much noise in the marketplace.

The Grassroots EduAgain, I lost another friend, a masterpiece – one who will be forever in my heart!







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